Hey! I’m Etienne, an avid Computer Scientist with an insatiable curiosity for the world that surrounds me. I love solving problems and understanding how things fundamentally work. Building fast and efficient software is my passion, and over-engineering solutions is my signature approach :)
I truly believe that technology should be a force for good, driving innovation forward. I’m focused on making a real impact wherever I can, not just advancing tech, but also ensuring its benefits are accessible to everyone and contribute to society as a whole.
I’m always energized by challenges that make me think outside the box and come up with new ideas. I love learning whether it’s within my field or outside of it, because it opens up so many possibilities. I see failure as part of the process; it’s just an opportunity to learn, grow, and keep improving.
I’m honoured to be a recipient of the Schulich Leader Scholarship, one of Canada’s fifty $80 000 science scholarships for students in STEM. It’s given me the chance to pursue my studies at Université de Montréal, and has recognized my potential in both academics, entrepreneurship and leadership. I’m excited to keep growing and contributing to the world of science.
Outside of tech, I have a wide range of interests. I’ve been playing the piano for years, and it’s given me a real love for both the process and the emotion behind music. I also enjoy photography whether digital or film; it’s a great way to see the world in a different light.
I’m really excited about what’s ahead, fuelled by curiosity and a drive to keep pushing forward. Let’s innovate, ask questions, challenge ourselves, solve problems, and do what we can to make the world a better place.
Contact me, why not collaborate!